There are two convenient methods to order products
- Send me an e-mail message at and include your name and phone number. I’ll call you to finalize all our info.
- Call toll-free 613) 824-5334 to complete your purchase.
There are two product formats
- Order products in e-format. Product will be downloaded to you in MP3 audio file once your credit card transaction has been completed. This will allow you to receive the information quickly and immediately begin your professional development.
- Order products in hard copy format. Many people still enjoy the process of having a physical product sent to them. Products will be shipped via ground unless otherwise requested. There is an additional charge for hard copy format to offset shipping & handling charges.
Refund Policy: All products are 100% guaranteed.
Currency: All prices are in CAD
Networking for Results Success System
The most comprehensive networking information base ever assembled. Includes 300 pages of networking strategies, tips and information. Over 10 hours of audio programs to complement and support your skill-building investment.
Price: $699
Individual Audio Programs from the Networking for Results™ Success System
If you do not wish to purchase the whole package above, you can purchase only the audio programs you want (hard and soft copy modules sold separately).
To view more information on each audio program, just click the cover.