Entries by mmstaff

The 5 Networking Event Formats & How to Maximize Each

Every networking event has its individual dynamics, benefits and drawbacks. Many, if not most, networking events include a meal. The act of breaking bread with another person is a powerful relationship-building vehicle. In order to maximize your investment, review the information below. Networking Breakfast. Networking breakfast functions are usually high-intensity events. People who attend these […]

7 Ways to Maximize Long Distance Business Relationships

Technology and the global mindset are prompting more and more companies to increase their reach into new cities, markets and countries. Whether because of an expansion strategy, merger/acquisition opportunity, or some other innovative marketing concept, long-distance relationships are becoming the norm. Being dropped into a leadership role where the team is scattered across different time […]

5 Surefire Strategies to Rekindle a Lapsed Relationship

Relationships, especially professional ones, have a life cycle. They ignite, grow, peak, and then decline. Any number of reasons can contribute to a relationship’s decline: a project’s conclusion, a career transition or promotion, or maybe a geographic relocation. But a relationship’s decline doesn’t mean it’s over; it simply means that the relationship’s context (the glue […]

7 Linkedin Strategies that Drive Online Relationships

Linkedin represents an enormous opportunity when used effectively. Unfortunately, most professionals have no idea how to leverage this invaluable resource for optimal results. Here are my most powerful and productive strategies and tactics. 1. Focus on the highest-value connections. For the longest time, I felt overwhelmed and intimidated every time I opened my Linkedin newsfeed. […]

On Being the Best

Have you thought about what is takes to be the best? Being the ‘best’ is a relative term and can apply to any company irrespective of its industry, scope or size. Here are some characteristics that (in my mind) define being the best. These are based on my recent experiences in working with, or interacting […]

Strategic Relationship-building

Professional relationships are the foundation of future success. Are you clear on the companies, contacts and criteria required to achieve this by strategically and proactively seeking out, and investing in, relationships with the right people, in the right organizations, for the right reasons?

Taking Others for Granted

The most dangerous time in a relationship is when you take it for granted. This causes you to overstep your bounds, overstay your welcome or abuse your trust. Continuously check your ego and your emotions, asking yourself “whose motives will this action best serve?”

7 Networking-Related 2012 Trends

From the desk of Michael J. Hughes, North America’s Networking Guru. It’s time to assess where we’re going for 2012. Here’s my take on the top networking-related trends for the coming year. Return of F2F. The explosion of interest and involvement in social networks has, in many cases, only served to confuse the marketplace about products […]

Are you Leveraging the Natural Laws of Networks?

From the desk of Michael J. Hughes, North America’s Networking Guru. Every time I sit down with a professional and discuss her/his success, we invariably zero in on a few key relationships that have been instrumental, even invaluable, during the journey. Initially, these are referred to as accidental or attributed to luck. Further discussion, however, identifies a […]

Priming the pump: stimulating referrals from high-value contacts

From the desk of Michael J. Hughes, Canada’s Networking Guru. A long time acquaintance contacted me, asking if I could deliver a presentation on change management. It was beyond me that he would request I speak on this topic, given my on-going investment in promoting myself as a networking expert. The annoying part for me […]